Sunday, October 14, 2012

Day after thoughts.

To start with, hats off to Stanford. They are a good team and played a great game.  It was fun to watch and I am sure for the Irish players it was fun to play.

Once again, as I watch the offense, I am at odds with the play calling.  I feel like Brian Kelly is using a magic eight ball to call plays.

It is often said that great teams find a way to win.  Notre Dame is the epitome of that this season.

6 Wins + 0 Loses = #5 ranking.

Why isn’t Atkinson getting more touches? On Saturday, he only had three rushes for 21 yards for an average of 7 yards per carry.  For the season he is averaging 9.1 yards per carry (Riddick 3.9 and Wood 5.0).

On defense, Farley is a talent that is only going to get better, Nix is a load in the middle and Te’o is playing at such a high level, that there is no one to compare him to in the country.

Sheldon Day had zero tackles in limited action. I hope everything is ok.

Kickers Brindza (filed goals of 22 and 29 yards & 4 touchbacks on 4 kickoffs) and Turk (averaged 41.2 yards on 5 punts)…good enough.

Five fumbles (losing three) are way too many for the Irish offense.

200 yards rushing and netting 150 means we lost 50 yards rushing, compared to 12 lost by Stanford - way too many.

Very good job closing drives going 3-4 in the red zone.

How does the game change if Stephon Tuitt does not get his big mitt up to block a field goal?

Does Stanford freshman and former Irish recruit Andrus Peat wish he had made a different choice?

Note to team: Don’t celebrate this win too long and don’t look ahead to Oklahoma; just focus on BYU.

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